var Navigation = function() { var me = this; var args = arguments; var self = { c: { navItems: '#navigation .home, #navigation .services, #navigation .portfolio, #navigation .about, #navigation .contact', navSpeed: ($.browser.safari ? 600 : 350), snOpeningSpeed: ($.browser.safari ? 400 : 250), snOpeningTimeout: 150, snClosingSpeed: function() { if (self.subnavHovered()) return 123450; return 150; }, snClosingTimeout: 700 }, init: function() { $('.level_1', this.c.navItems).css({ 'opacity': 0 }); this.initHoverFades(); //this.initSubmenus(); }, subnavHovered: function() { var hovered = false; $(self.c.navItems).each(function() { if (this.hovered /* && $('.level_1', this).length > 0*/) hovered = true; }); return hovered; }, initHoverFades: function() { $('#navigation .main').append(''); $('#navigation .hover').css('opacity', 0); /*$('#navigation .home, #navigation .contact,#logotype').hover(function() {*/ $('#navigation .main,#subnavigation a').hover(function() { self.fadeNavIn.apply(this); }, function() { var el = this; setTimeout(function() { if (! self.fadeNavOut.apply(el); }, 10); }); }, fadeNavIn: function() { $('.hover', this).stop().animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, self.c.navSpeed); }, fadeSubnavIn: function() { var el = this; $('.level_1', this) .stop() .css('display', 'block') .animate({ 'top': '80px', 'opacity': 1 }, self.c.snOpeningSpeed, function() { = true; }); }, fadeNavOut: function() { $('.hover', this).stop().animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, self.c.navSpeed); }, fadeSubnavOut: function() { $('.level_1', this) .stop() .animate({ /*'top': '70px',*/ 'opacity': 0 }, self.c.snClosingSpeed(), function() { $(this).css({'top': '70px', 'display': 'none'}); }); }, initSubmenus: function() { $(this.c.navItems).hover(function() { $(self.c.navItems).not(this).each(function() { self.fadeNavOut.apply(this); self.fadeSubnavOut.apply(this); }); this.hovered = true; if ($('.level_1', this).length == 0) return; var el = this; self.fadeNavIn.apply(el); clearTimeout(el.level1); el.level1 = setTimeout(function() { self.fadeSubnavIn.apply(el); }, self.c.snOpeningTimeout); }, function() { this.hovered = false; if ($('.level_1', this).length == 0) return; var el = this; clearTimeout(el.level1); if (! self.fadeNavOut.apply(el); el.level1 = setTimeout(function() { = false; self.fadeSubnavOut.apply(el); self.fadeNavOut.apply(el); }, self.c.snClosingTimeout); }); } }; self.init.apply(self); return self; }; function d(s) { // $('body').append ('
' + s + '
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i < params.length; i++) { var regex = new RegExp('\{[' + i + ']\}', 'g'); toReturn = toReturn.replace(regex, params[i]); } return toReturn; }; RegExp.escape = function(text) { if (!arguments.callee.sRE) { var specials = [ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\' ]; arguments.callee.sRE = new RegExp( '(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g' ); } return text.replace(arguments.callee.sRE, '\\$1'); }; // Elastic var ElasticLayout = Class.create(); ElasticLayout.prototype = { initialize: function(options) { var dOptions = { small: 1, large: 980, cSmall: 'anorexia', cLarge: 'whale' }; this.options = Object.extend(dOptions, options); this.addResizeHandler(); this.checkWidth(); }, addResizeHandler: function() { var self = this; $(window).resize( function() { self.checkWidth.apply(self); }); }, checkWidth: function() { var winWidth = this.getWidth(); var changeTo; switch(true) { case winWidth >= this.options.large: changeTo = this.options.cLarge; break; case winWidth >= this.options.small: changeTo = this.options.cSmall; 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break; } } visits++; Helper.setCookie('visits', visits); } }; // 5,4,3,1 OFFBLAST!! $(document).ready( function() { new VisitCounter(); });$(function() { // Body .safari class if ($.browser.safari) $('body').addClass('safari'); $('body').addClass('mocha'); /* Hover effects */ var fadeSpeed = ($.browser.safari ? 600 : 450); $('#logotype, ul.features a,#notice a').append(''); $('.hover').css('opacity', 0); /*$('#navigation .home, #navigation .contact,#logotype').hover(function() {*/ $('.hover').parent().hover(function() { $('.hover', this).stop().animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, fadeSpeed); }, function() { $('.hover', this).stop().animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, fadeSpeed); }); /* Side Subnavigation */ $('#subnavigation a').each(function() { // Each var html = this.innerHTML; $(this).html('' + html + ''); }); /* Building Trailer */ $('#trailer').html('